Guest speaker at the Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. 27th September 2018. Organised by Prof. Dr. Weifu Dong; “How to make money from Innovation”
Guest speaker at the Micro MBA “Survival of the smartest”, 18 October 2017
Guest speaker at the Energy Delta Institute/Energy Business School; location Nyenrode, Breukelen
Guest speaker at the MBA-course of the UvA 18 may 2017
Guest speaker at the MBA-course of the UvA (University of Amsterdam) as lead by Prof. Dr. A. Rinnooy Kan.
Guest lecturer United Nations University-Merit
Guest lecturer United Nations University-Merit, Maastricht, 20 April 2017
Lecturer at MBA-course of the University of Amsterdam
Lecturer at MBA-course of the University of Amsterdam, 18 May 2017
Jury member Climate-KIC Accelerator Bootcamp
Jury member Climate-KIC Accelerator Bootcamp, Amsterdam, 12 April 2017
Guest speaker Innovation symposium of Liberty Global
Guest speaker Innovation symposium of Liberty Global, Schiphol Rijk, 31 January, 2017
Speaker on behalf of Nanocomp Technologies Inc.
Speaker on behalf of Nanocomp Technologies Inc. about Succesful Entrepreneurship at the MicroNano Conference, Beurs van Berlage Amsterdam.
55th Dornbirn Congress on man-made Fibers; september 20 ~ 22, 2016
55th Dornbirn Congress on man-made Fibers; september 20 ~ 22, 2016